Highcharts Stock
고성능 금융 차트 라이브러리.
Highsoft사에서 공개
2017년 부터 ComponentSource에서 판매중
고성능 금융 차트 라이브러리.
Highcharts Stock (formerly Highstock) lets you create stock or general timeline charts in pure JavaScript, including sophisticated navigation options like a small navigator series, preset date ranges, date picker, scrolling, and panning. Highcharts Stock features sophisticated navigation options and built-in Technical Indicators.
Highcharts Stock is an SVG-based, multi-platform charting library based on Highcharts, which has been actively developed since 2009. It makes it easy to add interactive, mobile-optimized financial charts to your web and mobile projects. It features robust documentation, advanced responsiveness, and industry-leading accessibility support.
Highcharts Stock Features
Technical Indicators
Includes more than 45 most popular technical indicators such as SMA (Simple Moving Average), MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence), SMA (Simple Moving Average), RSI (Relative Strength Index), Stochastic oscillator, Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, etc. See below the technical indicators supported by Highcharts Stock.
Create Your Own Technical Indicator
Highcharts Stock offers you the capability to create your own technical indicator.
BigData Ready
Thanks to Highcharts WebGL-powered Boost Module, you can render thousands or millions of data in the browser.
With annotations, you can describe charts and data points by drawing shapes and text anywhere on the canvas or tethered to specific data points. Placement and visibility of annotations intelligently respond to canvas/screen size.
Intelligent Data grouping
For data arrays of hundreds of thousands of points, it wouldn’t be very effective for the browser to calculate the translated position for each one and render them all on what is often an 800px wide canvas.
With Highcharts Stock’s built-in data grouping facility, data is gathered into optional groups like months or days and displayed. When zooming in on smaller ranges, the grouping is redone, and you can inspect the full resolution data.
Easily bring chats to demonstrate complex relationships between data with live, dynamic updates of data, and customizable animations.
Through the API, you can add, remove and modify series and points or modify axes at any time after chart creation.
Data can be handled over to Highcharts Stock in any form, even from a different site, and a callback function used to parse the data into an array.
Financial Data-friendly Navigation
While navigating a large dataset, perhaps hourly values over several years, the charting library needs to provide a quick way to view a specific time range. Highstock provides a range selector where the user can zoom in on preselected time ranges like 1m, 1y, or YTD or manually add date ranges.
Furthermore, Highcharts Stock intelligently determines where to place the ticks so that they always mark the start of the month or the week, midnight and midday, the full hour etc.
Additionally, it is easy to add tooltip text with information on each point and series, or place event-markers and annotations directly related to interesting data-points.
All the charting libraries work with any back-end database or server stack.
Wrappers, Frameworks, and Add-Ons
Highcharts offers wrappers for the most popular languages, such as .NET, PHP, Python, R, Java, and iOS, which are available from Highcharts or their community. Highcharts also supports the most popular frameworks such as React, Angular, VueJS, and more.
Highcharts offers an accessible interactive chart solution to empower people with disabilities.
Every Highcharts license includes the Highcharts Accessibility Module, which helps ensure your charts are as accessible as possible. Highcharts uses the WCAG 2.1 standard as a guideline and involves users with disabilities in testing and feature development.
List of Technical Indicators supported by Highcharts Stock: