TeeChart Pro ActiveX
Crie soluções de gráficos e painéis de alto desempenho.
Publicado por Steema Software
Distribuído pela ComponentSource desde 1998
Preços a partir de: $ 505.68 Versão: 2024.0.12.11 NOVO Atualizado: Dec 11, 2024 (2)
The TeeChart ActiveX offers a complete and customizable collection of Chart types for data visualization. From the common Line, Bar, Area, Pie chart to the field-specific charts like Candle OHLC, Point and Figure, Volume, High-Low,BoxPlot,etc.
The TeeChart ActiveX charting component provides a large selection Financial and Statistical Indicators that perform calculations ranging from basic mean; Mode Function, Median Function to the more complex statistical and financial functions. A specific list of current Functions and Indicators may be viewed at the Features section below.
Supports Circular and Linear gauge types plus combinations and includes various customization options. This is an example of a Circular Gauge with a Linear Gauge embedded within it.