Froala Editor v4.0.5

Released: Sep 17, 2021

v4.0.5 中的更新


  • Fixed the issue editor scrolls down if the user clicks the Enter or Backspace in iframe mode.
  • Fixed issue with applying formatting on single word, Sometimes the editor applies formatting on whole paragraph or last word in Firefox browser.
  • Fixed adding caption to an image having inline text, the text incorporates within the image.
  • Fixed Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'more_btn' of undefined.
  • Fixed issue pasting content from word containing bold, underline and italic text does not retain formatting.
  • Fixed images won't paste into editor when imageUploadURL is specified.
  • Fixed images in base64 format lose their alignment issue.
  • Fixed uncaught exception when removing a table row.
  • Fixed the pasted table always has borders in iframe mode.
  • Fixed Table Edit Popup doesn't appear when selecting all cells when one of the table cell contains text in it.
  • Fixed issue editor cannot be initialized for the second time with ng-if directive.
  • Fixed Clear formatting command does not work with some block tags elements, e.g(<h1 >, <h2>, <pre>.).
  • Fixed the Indent/Outdent buttons does not work as expected.
  • Fixed pasting lists from MS word is broken in IE11.
  • Fixed the prompt moves down 2-3 lines when the htmlUntouched option is set to true and the font is changed.
  • Fixed the issue keepFormatOnDelete prevents the creation of an empty paragraph.
  • Fixed editor component returns empty divs when testing jest enzyme.
  • Fixed inserting image through quick insert, does not show in track changes.
  • Fixed copy and pasting a table with multiple images as base64, some of the images gets displayed twice.
  • Fixed switching off the formatting button clears formatting and cursor jumps to the beginning issue on Android.
  • Fixed the editor loses focus when undo after pasting a hyperlink.
  • Fixed ParagraphFormat: Object doesn't support property or method 'includes' issue in Internet Explorer.