Froala Editor v4.0.8
Released: Dec 20, 2021
v4.0.8 中的更新
- Fixed TrackChanges to work with 'toolbarContainer' option.
- Fixed full screen view to work with 'inlineToolbar' mode.
- Fixed selection/cursor position for text styling to work when 'htmlUntouched' is enabled.
- Fixed high level security vulnerability in dependent packages for Node.
- Fix to extend reported textfield CSS selector for input type="number".
- Fixed, Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of null while enable editor on image.
- Fixed issue, toggling between list items causing paragraph elements removed, when multiple paragraph items are wrapped inside a 'DIV' tag.
- Fixed to handle paste and match style option in Safari browser.
- Fixed issue, cursor jumps unexpectedly when using multiple editors with 'toolbarInline' and 'toolbarVisibleWithoutSelection'.