Oxygen XML Editor Academic

Oxygen XML Editor provides a comprehensive suite of XML authoring and development tools. It is designed to accommodate a large number of users, ranging from beginners to XML experts. It is available on multiple platforms, all major operating systems, and as a standalone application or an Eclipse plug-in. You can use Oxygen XML Editor in conjunction with all XML-based technologies and it includes a large variety of powerful tools for creating, editing, and publishing XML documen

Oxygen XML Editor Features

  • Single-Source Publishing - The XML Editor offers preset and configurable scenarios that are one click away, allowing you to produce outputs in PDF, ePUB, HTML, and many other formats using the same source.
  • Structured XML Editing - Intuitive XML editing features and a user-friendly interface, helping you to improve the results of your work with Oxygen XML Editor.
  • XML Publishing Frameworks - Oxygen XML Editor includes ready-to-use support for DITA, DocBook, XHTML, and...


Oxygen XML 产品的价格变化
Oxygen XML 产品的价格变化
October 6, 2022新定价
在 11 月 1 日之前购买任何新许可证、升级许可证或附加许可证,节省资金!
Oxygen XML Editor V21.1 Build ID: 2019101513
Oxygen XML Editor V21.1 Build ID: 2019101513
October 21, 2019新版本
现在与 macOS Catalina (10.15) 兼容。
oXygen XML adds XSLT Quick Fixes
oXygen XML adds XSLT Quick Fixes
May 23, 2014功能发布
Resolve problems like misspelled template names, missing templates, functions or references to undeclared variables.
oXygen XML improves Visual XML Editing
oXygen XML improves Visual XML Editing
January 27, 2014功能发布
New version adds support for colsep and rowsep attributes.
oXygen XML Improves WSDL Editing
oXygen XML Improves WSDL Editing
June 21, 2013功能发布
Easily insert references to components using the Content Completion Assistant.
oXygen XML Editor adds Master Files
oXygen XML Editor adds Master Files
July 4, 2012功能发布
Simplify the configuration and development of XML projects.

价格从: $ 135.63

The one year Maintenance Pack includes, unlimited technical support, all new releases, major and minor for one year。 When you renew you must do so for all licenses and within 14 days of the expiry of...


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Operating System for Deployment
  • Windows 10, 11
  • Sierra (10.12), High Sierra (10.13), Mojave (10.14), Catalina (10.15), Big Sur (11), Monterey (12), Ventura (13) and Sonoma (14)
  • Linux 64-bit




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