SharePoint Bulk Properties Editor
对 SharePoint 进行批量编辑、导入、复选框、批准/拒绝和标记。
SharePoint Bulk Properties Editor allows end users to batch/bulk edit properties. Additionally, the product makes it possible to bulk approve/reject documents or list items and to add tags or notes in bulk. By using SharePoint Bulk Properties Editor end users can reduce the time it takes to edit each field one by one and thereby increase productivity.
Bulk edit properties
Save your time by bulk editing metadata for multiple documents or items.
Map metadata with any field
Map and dynamically assign metadata values with any field in the current list.
Append changes to existing values
Append changes to any multiple value columns with a simple click when you index multiple documents.
Edit documents individually with preview
Edit documents individually with preview to help you quickly and accurately index documents.
Reuse your metadata
Use your...
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