Stimulsoft BI Server

Stimulsoft BI Server is a complete Business Intelligence, client-server solution that provides reporting and analytics. The front end provides data visualization and the back end provides data processing and storing. Stimulsoft BI Server can work as a standalone report server as well as an embeddable solution. The software provides several report server features including creating and editing reports, storing them, scheduling and delivering them to the client.

Stimulsoft BI Server Features

  • Data conversion from popular data sources into multi-page documents with graphic elements and charts.
  • Create and edit reports using the built-in report designer.
  • Centralized storage of reports on the server.
  • Work with the files hosted in Cloud storage and data from Microsoft Dynamics.
  • Plan data processing using the built-in scheduler.
  • Notifications of server events related to data processing.
  • Support for Touch devices.
  • Support for multilingual reports and built-in...


October 11, 2024Product Update
通过允许在单个元素中查看多个图表,Stimulsoft BI Server 2024.4.1 增强了数据清晰度并简化了仪表板设计。
Stimulsoft 2023.3.3
Stimulsoft 2023.3.3
August 30, 2023新版本
添加在将报表导出到 Microsoft Word 时对水印的支持。
Stimulsoft 2023.3.2
Stimulsoft 2023.3.2
August 17, 2023新版本
Stimulsoft Ultimate 2023.3.1
Stimulsoft Ultimate 2023.3.1
July 26, 2023新版本
添加智能指南功能、与 Laravel 的兼容性以及用来创建可填写 PDF 表单的新工具。
Stimulsoft 2023.2.1
Stimulsoft 2023.2.1
March 28, 2023新版本
为 WinForms 应用程序添加新的深色主题,以及改进后的水印设计支持。
Stimulsoft 2023.1.1
Stimulsoft 2023.1.1
December 13, 2022新版本
添加新的数据监视器工具以及对 Razor 页面和 .NET 7 的支持。

价格从: $ 1,959.95

Server licensing is based on the number of Creators。 A Creator is a person who has an account on the server, connects to it from the client-side, registered there as a Creator, and uses Stimulsoft...

Stimulsoft BI Server亦以___提供


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作为官方和授权的代理商,ComponentSource 为你提供Stimulsoft的正版授权。
  • IIS 6.0 or higher
  • .NET Framework 4.5 or higher

