WPTools Professional Licensing

Wenn Sie Ihre Lizenzanforderungen für WPTools Professional besprechen möchten, kontaktieren Sie bitte unsere WPCubed Lizenzierungsspezialisten.

Developer License: One software license is required per developer.

Team License: Allows up to 6 developers who are working on a product.

Site Wide License: Allows up to 20 Developers at a single physical address.

Corporate License: The Corporate License is valid for a unlimited number of developers within the same company or corporation within the same country. Please contact sales@componentsource.com for a price quote.

Run-time royalty free.

Important - Please note that there may be a delay before you can use this software as a unique Registration ID has to be generated using your order details. The Registration ID and Installation Password to unlock the full retail version will be sent to you by email as soon as possible


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Mai 6, 2024