ComponentOne Studio WinForms 新版本发表

Released: Jun 5, 2024

2024 v1 中的更新


  • Microsoft Office 365 Themes for WinForms (Beta)
    • Designed a new, updated look for the Windows Forms controls based on the Microsoft 365 applications. These themes are similar to previous Office themes but with a bit more spacing, rounded corners, and more. This is the first public release of the Microsoft Office 365 Themes with support for FlexGrid, FlexChart, Ribbon, Accordion, and Input, as well as partial support for other controls.
    • There are several Office 365 Themes: White, Dark Gray...

Released: Dec 6, 2023

2023 v3 中的更新


  • Added support for Microsoft .NET 8.
  • New WinForms Editor for .NET 6 and .NET 8
    • The rich text editor, C1Editor, has recently been rewritten for .NET 6, and the new versions for .NET 6 and 8 now include improved image editing, a new GetInnerHTML method, PDF export, and a SelectedTextChanged event.
    • The rich text editor for WinForms manages rich text as HTML, so it has many use cases, such as editing raw HTML for a database record, syntax highlighting for code editors, and presenting a desktop...

Released: Aug 2, 2023

2023 v2 中的更新


  • FlexChart for WinForms Design-Time Enhancements
    • Easily configure the most common features quickly.
    • Change the chart type, palette, data source, and bindings, and add/edit the series collection directly from the smart tag.
  • FlexGrid for WinForms Hover Styles
    • The hover styles provide a visual cue to the user as they move the mouse across rows, columns, cells, or selections.
    • Set different styles, such as background color, text color, border color, etc., on the hovered cells using the Styles...

Released: Mar 29, 2023

2023 v1 中的更新


  • FlexGrid Search Supports All Occurrences - When users search FlexGrid using the Search Panel, FlexGrid now highlights all occurrences of the search text in a cell. This is also helpful in cases where a pattern of text is being searched.
  • FlexGrid Save Layout Enhancements - FlexGrid now supports saving and loading layouts at design and runtime. This allows you to more easily persist column layouts between runs of the application without having to save the data itself.
  • FlexGrid XML Updates - At...

Released: Dec 7, 2022

2022 v3 中的更新


  • Added Microsoft .NET 7 support.
  • Enhanced Designers for .NET 6+ controls - Improved design-time editors and designers for the .NET 6+ controls to give you a rich experience while designing your application. For example, FlexGrid now has the complete and familiar designer you used when designing .NET Framework applications. Other controls have also been enhanced.
  • FlexGrid Custom Filters - FlexGrid for WinForms now supports an easier way to create custom column filters. You can now implement...

Released: Aug 3, 2022

2022 v2 中的更新


  • Microsoft .NET 6 Accordion (beta), List and Sizer Controls - The Accordion control is a compact interface to help expand and collapse a specific view from a stacked list of views. You can style the panes or customize the header for a modern look and feel. This control fills the gap created by .NET 4.5.2 NavBar and OutBar controls which were not ported to .NET 6. C1List, C1 Combo, C1Sizer, and C1SizerLight controls have also been migrated to .NET 6.
  • .NET Framework 4.8 Controls - Since...

Released: Mar 31, 2022

2022 v1 中的更新


  • .NET 6 Controls - The following controls have been ported to Microsoft .NET 6: Gauges, SpellChecker, FlexPivotSlicer, and DashboardLayout.
  • FlexGrid Column Picker - The WinForms FlexGrid now has a built-in column picker that can be enabled by setting one property. This feature allows end-users to add or remove a visible column through the gear icon on the top left corner of the grid or through column context menus.
  • FlexGrid Column Bands Designer - Now you can easily design banded (or grouped...

Released: Dec 8, 2021

2021 v3 中的更新


.NET 6 and Visual Studio 2022 Support
All .NET 5 controls have been migrated to .NET 6 and there are new .NET 6 versions of TrueDbGrid, GanttView, FontPicker, and Scheduler. The Print Preview family of controls (C1PrintDocument and C1PrintPreviewControl) are now out of beta. .NET 6 is the first LTS (long-term support) platform in Microsoft's larger plan. With that comes at least three years of support.

Visual Studio 2022 support includes toolbox, Tools add-on, and limited design-time support...

Released: Aug 4, 2021

2021 v2 中的更新


  • More Support for .NET 5 and Beyond - The following controls have been ported to .NET 5: DataFilter, CheckList, PdfDocumentSource, TouchToolkit, ColorPicker, DBNavigator, MaskedTextBox. Also, the following controls are out of beta and ready for production: C1Document, FlexReport and FlexViewer. C1PrintDocument is in preview in 2021 v2. These controls are based upon .NET 5, which means they will work with .NET 6, and are planned to continue supporting this version for future versions of .NET...

Released: Apr 7, 2021

2021 v1 中的更新


  • New .NET 5 Controls for WinForms - The following controls are now available for .NET 5 apps: C1FlexPivot, C1Maps, C1TreeView, C1FlexReport, C1FlexViewer, C1Document, C1Input, C1Command and several themes including Expression Dark, Expression Light, Mac Blue, Mac Silver, and High Contrast.
  • FlexGrid Enhancements
    • WinForms Multi-Column Sorting - Sort the FlexGrid by multiple columns by holding the CTRL key and clicking multiple column headers. The available sorting modes are single column, column...