Codejock Software

Codejock Software
205 N. Hintz Rd
Owosso, MI 48867
電話: +1 (989) 472 4761
傳真: +1 (989) 472 4762
上班時間: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm EST (UTC-5.00)

Codejock Software

Codejock Software formed in 1998 with the simple goal of making software development easier and cost effective. Its primary focus was to provide Windows developers with professional user interface components for their desktop applications. Today, Codejock continues to lead the way by providing cutting-edge interface components that empower customers with the tools to quickly deliver a polished presentation. Its products are used by thousands of customers around the globe helping them to save...


用可縮放向量圖形轉換您的 UI
用可縮放向量圖形轉換您的 UI
October 8, 2024Product Update
Codejock Suite Pro 24.0.0 添加對 SVG 的支援,從而為您的應用程式提供清晰、靈活且不受解析度影響的視覺效果。
October 4, 2024Product Update
Codejock Toolkit Pro 24.0.0 有助於使用者體驗新式、可訂制的儀錶,讓資料在單個多功能元件中栩栩如生。
Codejock Software 榮獲 ComponentSource 二個獎項
Codejock Software 榮獲 ComponentSource 二個獎項
April 29, 2024Publisher Award
ComponentSource 授予 Codejock Software 2024 年度廠家 50 強獎和產品 100 強獎。
Codejock Toolkit Pro v22.1.0
Codejock Toolkit Pro v22.1.0
April 13, 2023新版本
改進了網格、SkinFramework 和 SyntaxEdit 控制項。
Codejock Suite Pro v22.1.0
Codejock Suite Pro v22.1.0
April 13, 2023新版本
改進了 SyntaxEdit、TaskPanel 和 SkinFramework 控制項。


Professional Partner
自從2003作為官方和授權分銷商以來,ComponentSource 為您提供直接來自Codejock Software的合法許可。





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