JetBrains is a technology-leading software development firm specializing in the creation of intelligent, productivity-enhancing software. ComponentSource is in the highest level of the JetBrains partner program, a Premium Reseller, reselling the JetBrains product range worldwide.
JetBrains is widely known for its innovative, award-winning Java integrated development environment, IntelliJ IDEA, ReSharper developer productivity extension and dotTrace profiler for .NET developers, TeamCity -- a...
It (ReSharper) speeds up coding to such an extent that it feels awkward and slow when it's not available.
Ben Franklin, Senior Developer at Quba
September 12, 2024Product Update
DataGrip 2024.2 添加用於 Excel、JSON、Parquet 和 Shapefile 的定制導入解決方案,讓您可以完全控制您的資料。公佈 JetBrains .NET Days 2024 線上活動
September 11, 2024Publisher Update
加入 JetBrains,參加這個免費線上社區 9 月 25 - 26 日的活動,提供有關 .NET 最新趨勢的專家見解和實用技巧。深入瞭解 AI 及發展
September 10, 2024Product Update
JetBrains Academy 2024 年 9 月更新版有助於您學習如何使用人工智慧輕鬆翻譯和記錄您的代碼。透過 AI 代碼補全促進 C++ 開發
September 6, 2024Product Update
CLion 2024.2 透過旨在預測您每個需求的智慧、AI 驅動的全線代碼建議徹底改變您的編碼體驗。增強了 C# 代碼的品質和效率
September 4, 2024Product Update
ReSharper 2024.2 具有先進的功能,包括高級代碼分析和代碼補全,以及對 C# 12 和 13的支援。產品分類
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