
Str. Ana Ipatescu No. 51
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上班時間: 9:00am - 6:00pm GMT+2 Mon – Fri


Over the last 15 years Caphyon has created software applications for developers and Internet professionals that are reliable, secure and easy to use. Advanced Installer is used for authoring MSI/MSIX packages and repackaging by a wide users range, from beginners to senior developers and system administrators. Fast and easy to use, it ensures a great ROI for your team reducing the time used to create the setup packages and leaving more time for development.

Microsoft is proud to be working with 3rd parties like Advanced Installer to extend the current platform capabilities with innovative solutions for all Windows developers.

Andrew Clinick, Group Program Manager at Microsoft


May 10, 2024Product Update
Advanced Installer V21.7 能夠使用 Azure 可信簽名集成直接在 Visual Studio 中對專案進行簽名。
Caphyon 榮獲 ComponentSource 三個獎項
Caphyon 榮獲 ComponentSource 三個獎項
April 29, 2024Publisher Award
ComponentSource 授予 Caphyon 2024 年度廠家 25 強獎和二項產品獎。
慶祝與 Advanced Installer 合作 5 周年
慶祝與 Advanced Installer 合作 5 周年
April 2, 2024Publisher Milestone
自 2019 年以來,ComponentSource 和 Advanced Installer 一直合作,在全球範圍內提供安裝工具。
用外部快捷方式優化了 MSIX 部署
用外部快捷方式優化了 MSIX 部署
February 9, 2024Product Update
Advanced Installer V21.4 能夠將外部應用程式以快捷方式定位到檔或 URL,從而優化部署過程。
用 .NET 簡化安裝自訂
用 .NET 簡化安裝自訂
November 15, 2023Product Update
Advanced Installer 21.2 使開發人員能夠將 .NET 和 .NET Framework 代碼無縫集成到其 Windows 安裝中,從而增強靈活性和控制力。