Iron Software
Iron Software produces quality software component products for C# / VB.Net. Iron’s philosophy puts developers at the heart of every piece of software released. Ease of installation and ease of use are their highest priorities, backed up by customer support directly from the development team. Iron are committed to building only the best examples of software in each niche with every release. Iron concentrate on 2 core product categories: Linguistic and language document software such as PDF and...
用增強的文字樣式編輯 Word 文件
July 1, 2024Product Update
IronWord for .NET 2024.6.1 透過可自訂陰影、反射、漸變、3D 效果等擴展了對文本格式的支援。編輯 PDF 文件中的特定區域
June 24, 2024Product Update
IronPDF for .NET 2024.6.1 添加了一個新的區域編輯 API,支援以程式設計方式從 PDF 的指定區域刪除敏感資料。用 OCR 掃描更多語言的文件
June 20, 2024Product Update
憑藉對中文、日文和韓文等新語言的支援,IronOCR for .NET 2024.6.3 補充了其高級掃描模式。將 Excel 功能合併到 Python 專案中
June 18, 2024Product Update
IronXL for Python via .NET 是一個使 Python 開發人員能夠將試算表功能集成到其應用程式中的 Excel 庫。輕鬆從 PDF 中刪除敏感資訊
May 14, 2024Product Update
IronPDF for .NET 2024.5.2 讓您清理和掃描 PDF 檔,從而改善使用者資料的保護並增強應用程式安全性。產品分類
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