Fast Reports
Founded in 1998, Fast Reports is known for its state-of-the-art reporting software applications, libraries and add-ons that guarantee fast reporting for developers of business software. The company has operations spread across America and Europe with websites in 10 different languages and products localized in more than 40 languages to cater for its global audience. In 2022, Fast Reports won bronze for the "Reporting, Analysis and Visualization" nomination in Visual Studio Magazine's Reader's...
慶祝與 Fast Reports 合作 15 周年
June 3, 2024Publisher Milestone
自 2009 年以來,ComponentSource 和 Fast Reports 一直合作,為全球開發人員提供高品質報表元件。在您的報表中執行自訂 SQL 查詢
May 28, 2024Product Update
FastReport Online Designer 2024.2 添加對自訂 SQL 查詢的支援,允許將 SQL 視圖用作常規表。在您的報表中顯示地理資訊
May 9, 2024Product Update
FastReport VCL 2024.2 添加對 GeoJSON 和 TopoJSON 的支援,因此無論資料格式如何,您都可以輕鬆地將地圖集成到您的報表中。Fast Reports 榮獲 ComponentSource 獎項
April 29, 2024Publisher Award
ComponentSource 在 2024 年度的 ComponentSource 獎項中授予 Fast Reports 廠家 50 強獎。用 Avalonia UI 構建跨平臺報表應用程式
April 9, 2024Product Update
FastReport Avalonia 是一個功能強大的新報表庫,可簡化跨平臺 Avalonia UI 應用程式中的報表生成。產品分類
環境 / 平臺
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