ReSharper C++ 2016.3

添加 Typedef 重構,再加上尾碼完成以及對 Catch C++ 測試框架的支援。
12月 20, 2016


  • Typedef refactorings - The "Introduce typedef" refactoring allows you to quickly create a typedef for the selected data type and replace this data type and all its occurrences with the newly created typedef. "Inline typedef" refactoring does the inverse: it replaces an existing typedef with the actual data type.
  • Postfix completion - Postfix code completion allows you to focus on your data, rather than the syntax. When you type a dot (.) or an arrow (->) after an expression, ReSharper C++ will suggest free functions that would accept that expression as the first parameter. If you accept the suggestion, ReSharper C++ rewrites your code so that the expression is passed as the first argument.
  • Catch support - In addition to Boost.Test and Google Test frameworks, unit testing assistance is now available for the Catch C++ test framework. Therefore, you can now use ReSharper C++ unit test runner to discover, run, and debug Catch tests in Visual Studio.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 RC initial support - ReSharper C++ 2016.3 can be installed into Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 RC.
  • Tooltips and XML documentation - ReSharper C++ can now display rich, syntax highlighted tooltips for C++ code elements. The tooltips will display function and variable types, as well as documentation. In addition, \tparam references in Doxygen comments are now properly resolved and can be renamed. C#-style XML documentation comments are also sometimes used for C++ symbols. With ReSharper C++ 2016.3 they are correctly displayed in the Quick Documentation pop-up (Ctrl+Shift+F1) and in the quick info tooltip.
  • C++ code analysis from the command line - Starting from version 2016.3, ReSharper C++ code inspections become available via InspectCode, a free command line tool that allows running ReSharper inspections outside of Visual Studio.
  • Other improvements
    • Support for nested namespace definitions introduced in C++17 and a context action to use the new syntax for nested namespaces.
    • Third-party code settings page that allows to exclude files from indexing: this page allows adding files, folders and wildcards to be treated either as "skipped" or "library".
    • Support for asynchronous Find Results.
    • New options for C++ code formatter: Spaces within parentheses in cast expressions, Place enumerators on new line, Align chained method calls and Align chained binary expressions.
    • Support for Boost.Test in Boost 1.62.
Typedef refactorings.

ReSharper C++

用於 C++ 開發的 Visual Studio 擴展。


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