DevExpress Office File API 18.2.4

改進了 Excel 匯出庫和 Word 處理文件 API。
1月 2, 2019


Excel Export Library

  • It is impossible to reorder a worksheet while constructing a document

Spreadsheet Document API

  • A Pie with a different number of arguments and values and a Combination chart with a series without arguments on the secondary axis are rendered incorrectly
  • Cell formatting is not removed after calling the Worksheet.DeleteCells method in DevExpress.Spreadsheet.DeleteMode.ShiftCellsUp mode
  • Cell formatting may be incorrectly pasted to the target cell range when the latter is larger than the copied one
  • NullReferenceException occurs on an attempt to save a specific copied workbook

Word Processing Document API

  • A floating object of a Doc document is shown in Microsoft Word with a different offset than in RichEditControl
  • A recreated OfficeImage object is passed to the CreateImageUri method instead of the original image in version 18.2
  • Bookmark Hyperlinks associated with Shapes disappear on export to PDF
DevExpress Office File API

DevExpress Office File API

讀寫 Excel 和 Word 檔、創建和編輯 PDF 文件、生成條形碼和壓縮的檔案。


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