SQL Monitor 9.0.19

擴展 API 以允許在不同級別啟用或禁用警報 - 例如電腦、實例、群集、作業。
7月 11, 2019


  • Expanded API to allow enabling or disabling alerts at the Machine, SQL Instance, Cluster, Availability Group, Azure SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and Job level.


  • SRP-12057 Long Running Query now filters on both Command type and SQL text.
  • SRP-11977 Global Overview alert feed no longer shows alert counts for servers unavailable to users.
  • SRP-12074 Permissions sampling no longer crashes when encountering circular groups in AD.
SQL Monitor

Redgate Monitor

即時 PostgreSQL 和 SQL 伺服器性能監視,帶有警報和診斷。

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