SQL Monitor v10.2.x

改進了對受監視伺服器頁面上的 Amazon RDS SQL Server 的支援。
8月 24, 2020


  • The Amazon RDS SQL Server monitoring preview now includes support for Analysis and Active Directory permissions. You can also specify Amazon RDS Sql Servers in Custom metrics.
  • Improvements
    • Improved support for Amazon RDS SQL Servers on the monitored servers page.
    • Disk space SNMP alert shows disk space values.


  • Log Backup overdue will not raise on master databases.
  • Fixed issue with testing server connectivity on the manage monitored servers page when the 'auto-detect cluster name' option is deselected.
  • Classify additional sql server processes as sql processes correctly.
  • Fixed issue with Microsoft Azure SQL Databases failing to be listed on the analysis page.
  • Restored the ability to set an HTTP proxy for Webhooks and Slack notifications.
  • Changes
    • Replaced the log4net logging library with Serilog. A security vulnerability was reported against log4net (CVE-2018-1285, CVSS base score 9.8). Whilst the use of log4net within SQL Monitor was not subject to the vulnerability, Redgate Software have nonetheless removed log4net to avoid false positives in security scans. If you have customized your log4net configuration within SQL Monitor, those customizations will no longer apply. In this case, please contact Redgate support for help with replicating your customizations using the new Serilog configuration files.
  • API changes
    • Microsoft PowerShell API updated to support Add, Get, Remove SQL Servers for Amazon RDS and Microsoft Azure SQL Servers.
SQL Monitor

Redgate Monitor

即時 PostgreSQL 和 SQL 伺服器性能監視,帶有警報和診斷。

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