SQLyog Ultimate v13.2.1

Released: Nov 2, 2023

v13.2.1 中的更新


  • With the MariaDB server, it is now possible to create a ‘Key’ index on a virtual column using the GUI.
  • Emojis will be displayed as is in the ‘Table Data/Result’ tab, ‘Scheduled Backups’, ‘Copy Database To Different Host/Database’ on setting the character set to ‘utf8mb4’ in the ‘Init Command(s)’ field, under the ‘Advanced’ tab of the respective connection and in the Scheduled Backups window.
  • The tunneller file for HTTP-tunnel connections has been updated with this release and must be replaced on the server.
  • The 'keywords.db' file (used for syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and automatic lettercase handling for functions and keywords) is updated with new keywords and functions added in recent MySQL and MariaDB servers.


  • SQLyog used to abruptly close on altering a table having a column with CHECK constraint and Comment.
  • SQLyog displaying an empty HTTP Response dialog is fixed for connections through HTTP-tunnel.
  • For a column with ENUM datatype, SQLyog incorrectly interpreted the value ‘CHECK’ for CHECK CONSTRAINT.
  • Fixed a memory corruption issue with ‘autocomplete’ that, in rare situations, could cause SQLyog to crash.
  • In some rare cases, SQLyog failed to import the saved connections.
  • On selecting ‘Edit a saved job’ and selecting a job file that has a connection with SSL enabled, the ‘Use SSL Encryption’ checkbox is unchecked, and thus the connection fails.
  • In the Create/Alter Table dialog, SQLyog generated a wrong syntax if UUID or SYS_GUID were used as the default value for varchar columns.