
2105 Garnet Avenue
San Diego, CA 92109
上班時間: 8:00am-5:30pm PST


ZingChart was born in 2008, during the development of a deep web analytics system. The company needed to add standard charts to the mix, but existing Flash and canvas based graphing systems couldn't keep up. They kept buckling under the volume of data provided and lacked the required flexibility. One year later, ZingChart was released and it keeps growing in features, flexibility and popularity.


ZingChart 2.9.10
ZingChart 2.9.10
October 20, 2022新版本
新屬性控制當滑鼠懸停在和絃圖波段上時元素的 Alpha 透明度。
ZingChart 2.9.9
ZingChart 2.9.9
March 18, 2022新版本
將比例尺數擴展到高達 200,並添加新的匯出格式屬性。
ZingChart 2.9.8
ZingChart 2.9.8
December 15, 2021新版本
ZingChart 2.9.7
ZingChart 2.9.7
September 22, 2021新版本
添加 selectedMarker(選定標記)物件的規則以及新的樹圖組框屬性。
ZingChart 2.9.3
ZingChart 2.9.3
March 17, 2021新版本