連接到 JSON 進行動態即時報表

8月 1, 2024
利用 .NET Core 報表控制項中的 JSON 資料連接,生成動態、適應性強且即時的報表。


JSON data connectivity in reporting controls enables seamless integration of dynamic, human-readable data into reports. By directly connecting to JSON data sources, developers can leverage the format's flexibility, ease of use, and ability to handle diverse data structures. This empowers creation of adaptable reports that can quickly consume and visualize data from various sources, such as APIs, databases, or cloud services. Real-time reporting and interactive dashboards become feasible as JSON's structure aligns well with modern data consumption patterns. Use cases include operational reporting, data exploration, and business intelligence applications where agile data integration is paramount.

Several .NET Core reporting controls offer JSON data connectivity including:

  • DevExpress Reporting connects directly to JSON data sources, simplifying report generation from web services and APIs.
  • ActiveReports.NET by MESCIUS offers built-in support for JSON data, enabling reports to consume data in this flexible format.
  • Telerik Reporting supports JSON data consumption, allowing reports to dynamically visualize data from diverse sources.
  • List & Label Enterprise Reporting Edition by combit integrates with JSON data, making reports adaptable to diverse data structures.

For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our .NET Core reporting controls comparison.

Compare .NET Core Reporting Controls