Chant Developer Workbench improves grammars

Version 2011 lets you easily create, edit, compile and test L&H BNF, W3C ABNF, W3C XML and JSGF grammars.
8月 4, 2011

Chant Developer Workbench includes GrammarKit, LexiconKit, ProfileKit, SpeechKit and VoiceMarkupKit Win64, Win32, and WinCE that will allow you to easily manage grammars, profiles, lexicons, recognizers, synthesizers, and text-to-speech markup to your applications. Chant Developer Workbench features a Multi-document, interactive, customizable environment with color-coded formatting, IntelliPrompt, Command line testing, Event tracing and many more advanced features. The following products have been updated:

Updates in 2011

Chant Developer Workbench 2011

  • L&H BNF Grammar Editors – Easily create, edit, compile, and test L&H BNF version-specific grammars (V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0).
  • W3C ABNF Grammar Editor – Easily create, edit, compile, and test W3C ABNF grammars.
  • W3C XML Grammar Editor – Easily create, edit, compile, and test W3C XML grammars.
  • JSGF Grammar Editor – Easily create, edit, compile, and test JSGF grammars.
  • Grammar Compiler Options – VoCon grammar compiler options can be selected from the speech toolbar in the grammar editor before compiling.
  • Speech Recognition Context Editor– Easily create, edit, compile, and test multi-grammar contexts. This enables you to test application recognition states without having to write any code.
  • VoCon 3200 V4 – Test with the latest version of VoCon 3200 V4 within the Interactive Environment.
  • WinCE Chant Developer Workbench – Now you can test speech resources with the new WinCE Chant Developer Workbench interactive environment.

GrammarKit 4

  • L&H BNF Grammars – Dynamically generate and compile L&H BNF version-specific grammars (V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0).
  • W3C ABNF Grammars – Dynamically generate and compile W3C ABNF grammars.
  • W3C XML Grammars – Dynamically generate and compile W3C XML grammars.
  • JSGF Grammars – Dynamically generate and compile Java Speech Grammar Format (JSGF) grammars.
  • Grammar Compiler Options – Specify VoCon grammar compiler options.
  • Speech Recognition Context – Dynamically generate and compile multi-grammar contexts
  • .NET V4 component libraries – Target .NET Framework 4 applications with .NET 4 Chant component libraries.
  • Silverlight component libraries – Develop Silverlight applications that manage grammars.
  • C++Builder class library – Develop C++Builder applications that manage grammars without binding to release-specific VCL binaries.
  • Delphi class library – Develop Delphi applications that manage grammars without binding to release-specific VCL binaries.
  • VoCon 3200 V4 – Develop VoCon 3200 V4 applications that manage grammars.
  • WinCE Web component library – Develop mobile web apps that manage grammars.
  • WinCE Grammar Editing and Testing– Easily edit and test grammars with the new WinCE Chant Developer Workbench interactive environment.

LexiconKit 4

  • Dictation Shortcuts – Manage SAPI dictation shortcuts within your applications. .NET V4 libraries.
  • .NET V4 component libraries – Target .NET Framework 4 applications with .NET 4 Chant component libraries.
  • Silverlight component libraries – Develop Silverlight applications that manage lexicons.
  • C++Builder class library – Develop C++Builder applications that manage lexicons without binding to release-specific VCL binaries.
  • Delphi class library – Develop Delphi applications that manage lexicons without binding to release-specific VCL binaries.
  • VoCon 3200 V4 – Develop VoCon 3200 V4 applications that manage lexicons.
  • WinCE Web component library – Develop mobile web apps that manage lexicons.
  • WinCE Lexicon Editing– Easily edit lexicons with the new WinCE Chant Developer Workbench interactive environment.

ProfileKit 4

  • Import Training Documents – Improve recognition accuracy for dictating uncommon words or uncommon word groupings by setting the profile adaptation data.
  • .NET V4 component libraries – Target .NET Framework 4 applications with .NET 4 Chant component libraries.
  • Silverlight component libraries – Develop Silverlight applications that manage profiles.
  • C++Builder class library – Develop C++Builder applications that manage profiles without binding to release-specific VCL binaries.
  • Delphi class library – Develop Delphi applications that manage profiles without binding to release-specific VCL binaries.
  • VoCon 3200 V4 – Develop VoCon 3200 V4 applications that manage profiles.
  • WinCE Web component library – Develop mobile web apps that manage profiles.
  • WinCE Profile Training – Easily test training profiles with the new WinCE Chant Developer Workbench interactive environment.


  • SAPI Grammar Rules and Phrase Properties– Enumerate rules and phrase properties on recognition results.
  • Recognition Result Confidence - Obtain the recognition result confidence by enumerating ChantWord, ChantRule, or ChantPhraseProperty objects.
  • 1-Shot (2-pass) Recognition – Recognize with grammars compiled for 1-Shot (2-pass) recognition.
  • SetMicOn as Master Switch – Optimize multi-grammar enablement by using SetMicOn to turn the microphone off before enabling one or more grammars, then turn the microphone on to enable them.
  • L&H BNF Grammars – Recognize speech with L&H BNF version-specific grammars (V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0).
  • W3C ABNF Grammars – Recognize speech with W3C ABNF grammars.
  • W3C XML Grammars – Recognize speech with W3C XML grammars.
  • JSGF Grammars– Recognize speech with JSGF grammars.
  • Grammar Compiler Options – Specify the VoCon Compiler option when recognizing with grammars.
  • .NET V4 component libraries – Target .NET Framework 4 applications with .NET 4 Chant component libraries.
  • Silverlight component libraries – Develop Silverlight applications that speak and listen.
  • C++Builder class library – Develop C++Builder applications that speak and listen without binding to release-specific VCL binaries.
  • Delphi class library – Develop Delphi applications that speak and listen without binding to release-specific VCL binaries.
  • VoCon 3200 V4 – Develop VoCon 3200 V4 applications that speak and listen.
  • WinCE Web component library – Develop mobile web apps that speak and listen.
  • WinCE Recognition and TTS Testing– Easily test training profiles with the new WinCE Chant Developer Workbench interactive environment.

VoiceMarkupKit 4

  • .NET V4 component libraries – Target .NET Framework 4 applications with .NET 4 Chant component libraries.
  • Silverlight component libraries – Develop Silverlight applications that manage markup.
  • C++Builder class library – Develop C++Builder applications that manage markup without binding to release-specific VCL binaries.
  • Delphi class library – Develop Delphi applications that manage markup without binding to release-specific VCL binaries.
  • VoCon 3200 V4 – Develop VoCon 3200 V4 applications that manage markup.
  • WinCE Web component library – Develop mobile web apps that manage markup.
  • WinCE Markup Editing and Testing– Easily test markup with the new WinCE Chant Developer Workbench interactive environment.

About Chant

Chant is a leading provider of software and services that help organizations gain competitive advantage using speech technology. They help organizations identify and implement the most attractive opportunities appropriate for their company and industry. As the first company to provide engine-independent component software for developing desktop, web-enabled, and telephony applications that use speech technology, Chant can help you implement applications that allow you to talk with your computer.

Creating a Grammar using Chant Developer Workbench.

Chant SpeechKit



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