TeeChart for JavaScript 2014

Includes a number of bug fixes.
4月 28, 2014


  • New inflateMargins property added for Pointer.


  • Using more than 1 Bar-Series in 3D-Charts (with three.js) the 1st series not displaying. Fixed.
  • International thousand/decimal setup breaks size calcs under some format conditions causing sporadic wider labels and incorrect sizing calcs. Fixed.
  • Adding a title to a vertical axis in a 3D chart crashes it. Now fixed.
  • Zero only value series causing Axes to inhibit width allowance for Axis Title. Fixed.
  • WebGL Chart drops first item from Legend when set to transparent. Fixed.
  • WebGL Legend contents inconsistently spaced.
  • Null values within the values should be ignored when calculating the ranges. Fixed.
  • Labels Rotation offsets aren't perfectly calculated. Fixed.
  • When adding axes on the right side, there is not enough space preserved for the axis name. Fixed.
  • Theme not being applied to custom axes. Corrected.
TeeChart for Javascript

TeeChart JS

100% JavaScript 圖表完全支援 HTML5 畫布。


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