MindFusion.Spreadsheet for WinForms V1.6

改進了 XLSX 的導入和匯出。
5月 26, 2017


  • Improved XLSX Import and Export - The ExcelExporter and ExcelImporter classes are now several times faster than before and the results are more accurate.
  • Miscellaneous
    • The CsvExporter class can now export partial worksheets through the new Export overload.
    • The ImageExporter can take into consideration the worksheet zoom through the new EnableZoom property.
    • The WorkbookPrinter now exposes a Landscape property, which can be used to specify page orientation.
    • The WorkbookView expoxes new Cut, Copy, and Paste methods, which can be used to cut, copy, and paste the current selection of the active worksheet in the view.
    • The WorkbookView now exposes ColumnsMoving and RowsMoving events, which can be used to validate interactive columns and rows moving.
    • The WorkbookView now exposes ColumnsResizing and RowsResizing events, which can be used to validate interactive columns and rows resizing.
MindFusion.Spreadsheet for WinForms

MindFusion.Spreadsheet for WinForms

用於編輯、造型和格式化大量資料的強大的 .NET 試算表元件。


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