Aspose.Cells for Java V18.5

同時將工作簿轉換為帶有不同專用 (獨家) 字體集的 PDF。
5月 23, 2018


  • Concurrently convert workbooks to PDF with a different private (exclusive) set of fonts.


  • Pivot Table's formatting and behavior changed after opening/saving the template file.
  • Spreadsheet (XLS) becomes corrupted after simple load and save.
  • Breaks iterator interface when calling Iterator.hasnext() twice.
  • Property values garbled when extracting document properties.
  • The workbook is corrupted after adding a watermark.
  • NullPointerException when adding HTML to a cell.
  • Lines disappeared from chart when XLSX file is re-saved.
  • Exception "IndexOutOfBoundsException" when merging cells in light-weight mode.
  • Exception "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid encoding: null" when loading an XLS file.
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs on opening an Excel file.
  • File is corrupted occurs on opening an Excel file.
  • com.aspose.cells.CellsException: Invalid formula on loading an Excel file.
Aspose.Cells for Java

Aspose.Cells for Java

無需 Microsoft Excel 即可創建和管理 Excel 試算表。


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