Syncfusion Essential Studio for JavaScript 2018 Volume 2

新關係圖控制項有助於使用者生成以視覺形式表示的資訊,以及 RDL 報表設計器。
9月 11, 2018


  • Report Designer - The report designer component supports creating and editing RDL reports. Using the report designer, users can transform data into meaningful information and visualize it.
    • Provides a wide range of data sources.
    • Supports rich selection of report elements.
    • Provides parameters to filter out data.
    • Supports customization of report elements and management of images.
    • Built-in expression editor and query designer for customizing data and queries.
  • Chart
    • RTL support - Right-To-Left (RTL) support has been provided for legend, tooltip, and zooming toolkit in chart.
    • Label rotation based on text-anchor - Chart provides support for rotating axis label with the text-anchor as start.
  • Diagram
    • Automatic LineRouting - Support has been added to automatically reroute the line around the nodes obstructing the line.
  • Calculate
    • Excel-like array formula calculation - Calculate supports array formula calculation like Excel. An array formula is a formula that performs multiple calculations on one or more items in an array. Sample formula: {=A1:A5*B1:B5}
    • Excel-like table-structured references - Calculate supports table-structured formulas for formula calculation like Excel. A range of cells in a spreadsheet table can be referenced as a table reference.
    • New COUNTIFS formula - Calculate supports new COUNTIFS Excel formula. The CountIfs formula returns a number of cells that satisfy a set of given criteria.
  • Maps
    • Toggle Legend - Provided support to toggle visibility of shapes/bubbles on legend item click.
  • Pivot Chart
    • Multiple Axes - You can split the pivot chart and its area into multiple panes to draw multiple series with multiple axes.
  • Pivot Client
    • Calculated Members - Users can now frame a dynamic dimension or measure using the existing ones along with a simple calculation at runtime.
  • Tree Map
    • Change initial rendering level - Provided support to render the tree map from any level instead of the first level.

Essential JS 2

  • New components
    • Avatar - Avatars are icons or figures that represent a particular person. They are developed as pure CSS components and support popular media formats like images, SVG, font-icons, and letters.
    • Badge - The badge is a notification component developed in pure CSS that can be used to alert users about new or unread messages, notifications, and additional information about content.
    • Button group - The button group is a pure CSS component that groups a series of buttons together vertically or horizontally. It supports single and multiple selection behaviors.
    • Color picker - The color picker lets users pick a color either by selecting color values or by adjusting them.
    • Diagram - The Essential JS 2 diagram component is used to build visual representations of information.
    • Document editor - The document editor component is used to create, edit, view, and print Word documents in web applications.
    • Heat map - The heat map control is used to visualize two-dimensional data in which the values are represented in a color gradient or as fixed colors.
    • Pivot grid - The pivot grid is a multidimensional data visualization component built on top of relational data sources.
    • Range navigator - The range navigator provides an intuitive interface for selecting a smaller range from a larger collection.
    • Rich text editor - The rich text editor component is a WYSIWYG editor that provides the best user experience for creating and updating rich text content.
    • Smith chart - A Smith chart is a data visualization tool used for high frequency circuit applications. It contains two sets of circles to plot the parameters of transmission lines.
    • Sparkline - A sparkline is a very small chart, typically drawn without axes or coordinates, that conveys information to the user in a small space.
    • Switch - The switch component lets users toggle between checked and unchecked states.
    • Toast - A toast is a small container in which users can show single or multiple informative lines with actions.
    • Tree map - The tree map is used to visualize hierarchical data in the form of nested rectangles. The area of each item is calculated based on its corresponding numeric value.
    • Theme studio - Theme studio is a new web-based tool that can be used to customize the Essential JS 2 component themes. It supports importing and exporting customized themes, and filtering to select which components to change.
  • Chart
    • Scrollbar - Scrollbar support has been provided to zoom and pan the chart.
    • Histogram - Chart provides options for histogram series type
    • Pie grouping - Now, pie slice in the accumulation chart can be grouped based on data count.
  • Grid
    • Multidelete - Now multiple records can be deleted from grid at a time. Enable multiselection to select multiple records and use the toolbar delete button or the Delete key to remove multiple records.
  • List View
    • UI virtualization - List items by loading only visible list items in a view port. This helps improve list view performance when loading a large number of items. The list items are updated dynamically while users scroll the list.
  • Maps
    • Animation on zooming - Provided smooth transition support for zooming of layers.
    • Title trim - Provided support to trim the map title when it exceeds the available width.
    • Print and Export - Provided support for printing and exporting maps.
  • Schedule
    • Multiple resources - Multiple resources and grouping support has been added to view and manage events of multiple users on the same page.
    • Timescale - An enhanced option provided to allow users to change or hide the time interval duration on schedule as per their application requirement.
  • Slider
    • Slider limits - Set min and max values to limit which values can be selected within the range.
    • Drag interval - Enables users to interact with a range slider by dragging the range bar.
  • Uploader
    • Chunk upload - This feature breaks a large file into small chunks, and uploads them to the server in a sequential order using asynchronous mode. The chunk upload comes with pause, resume, retry, and cancel options.
New diagram control

Syncfusion Essential Studio JavaScript

用於 JavaScript 的綜合性 UI 庫。


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