Aspose.Words for Java V19.8

8月 19, 2019


  • Added option to call HarfBuzz library (Windows only) for better kerning.
  • Separate Aspose.Words jdk16.jar is now publically available.
  • API Examples are fully updated and improved.
  • Tested on Java 12.
  • Simplified TIFFImageWriter used when external TIFFf image libs (JAI, etc.) are not available.
  • Added an option to specify whether to work with the original or a revised version of a document.
  • Added API to define default options for data labels of chart series.
  • Improved computation of paragraph metrics for Asian text in a table.
  • Improved surrogate pair handling.


  • Fixed rendering of diagonal borders is vertically merged cells.
  • Fixed issue when "keep with next" is applied to the last paragraph in a table cell.
  • Fixed problem with negative contrast images rendering. Now, if the document contains VML images with negative contrast, they are rendered in the same way as in MS Word, without causing exceptions.
  • Fixed a bug with the incorrect association of data labels and series values when rendering DML charts.
  • Fixed a bug with calculation of the X-values of the scatter chart while rendering.
  • Fixed a bug with inheriting paragraph properties of data labels (Font size) when rendering DML charts.
  • Fixed a bug with clipping of the user shape text when rendering DML charts.
Aspose.Words for Java

Aspose.Words for Java

無需使用 Microsoft Word 即可讀取、修改和寫入 Word 文檔。


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