Handsontable V8.2.0

改進了針對 XSS 攻擊的安全性。
11月 13, 2020


  • Improved the defense mechanism against XSS attacks by using DOMPurify library which sanitizes HTML.
    • This library has been implemented to be used as a helper method: Handsontable.helper.sanitize, you can use this function to remove unwanted parts based on DOMPurify’s configuration in order to sanitize text the way you need.
    • By default, the helper leaves HTML tags but removes any potentially dangerous attributes.
  • Improved plugins - Added the architectural solution introduced in Handsontable 8.0.0 into the sorting plugin, giving it a more stable and predictable system for index management.


外觀和感覺像試算表的 JavaScript 資料網格。


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