GrapeCity的Wijmo 網絡研討會 - 用 Angular Ivy 提高構建速度

Ivy 編譯器可以有助於您提高構建速度和減輕捆綁包。
1月 20, 2021

GrapeCity is hosting a FREE webinar on 3-Feb-2021 discussing all the benefits that come with using the Ivy compiler. Walk away knowing how to get smaller bundle sizes, faster build times, and several other features such as consuming View Engine libraries that the Ivy compiler brings to the table.

Topics include:

  • How to leverage Ivy in your Angular application.
  • How Ivy decreases build times & bundle sizes to improve render speeds.
  • How Ivy has improved internationalization.
  • Using View Engine libraries with the Ivy compiler.

Register for this GrapeCity webinar now!

Wijmo Enterprise


用于企業應用的高性能 JavaScript UI 元件。


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