Actipro Grids for WPF 21.1.0

改進了 TreeListBox 並添加新的工具箱演示。
2月 22, 2021


  • Added the Toolbox demo.
  • Improved TreeListBox so that when turning off filtering, all ancestor nodes of currently-selected nodes will remain expanded.
  • Validated Microsoft .NET 5 compatibility.
  • Updated Microsoft .NET Core assemblies to target .NET Core 3.1 instead of .NET Core 3.0.
  • Updated Microsoft .NET Framework assemblies to target .NET Framework 4.5.2 instead of .NET Framework 4.0.
  • Modernized offline documentation, and introduced online documentation on the Actipro web site.
  • Created a new 'WPF-Controls' GitHub repository with the full source of documentation topics, samples and other code.
Actipro Grids for WPF

Actipro Grids for WPF



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