FlexGanttFX 11.12.3

在 Timeline 上添加顯示/滾動到給定日期或給定分區日期時間的新方法。
4月 13, 2021


  • Added methods on Timeline for showing/scrolling to a given date or a given zoned date time. Before it was only possible to pass an instant.
  • Added an option on GanttChartBase to specify the scrollbar type to use for scrolling horizontally in time. So far the scrollbar allowed for infinite scrolling. This version adds a standard ("normal") scrollbar that allows the user to scroll within a given time horizon. Applications can also choose to completely remove the scrollbar.
  • Added an option on GanttChartBase to specify whether the horizontal scrollbars on the left-hand side and the right-hand side should auto-hide when not used. Auto-hiding was actually the behavior all the time. Being able to specify that the scrollbars should "not" auto-hide is the new feature.
  • The RowCanvas class now has a full set of snapXYZ() methods and the alignment of the canvas itself and of the activities shown by the canvas have been improved.


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