Entity Developer V6.11.1258

改進了對 Entity Framework(實體框架) 的支援。
6月 4, 2021


  • Type E schemas (External Login from Microsoft Azure Active Directory) are now supported in Create Model Wizard/Update From Database/Update To Database (Microsoft SQL Server).
  • Added the ability to detect GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW START and GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW END columns in SQL Server 2016 and higher in Create Model Wizard/Update From Database Wizard.

Entity Framework support

  • New extended property "Use Generic DbContextOptions Constructor Argument" has been added to model Entity Framework Core Model properties.
  • New extended property "Do Not Generate Constructor With DbContextOptions Argument" has been added to model Entity Framework Core Model.properties.
  • Entity Framework Core 6 has been added to the list of available values in Framework Core Model for Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql.
Entity Developer

Entity Developer

用於 Entity Framework、EF Core、NHibernate 和 LINQ 到 SQL 的強大工具。


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