Actipro Navigation for WinForms 21.1.0

添加對 Microsoft .NET 5 和 .NET Core 3.1 的支援。
7月 16, 2021


  • Added NavigationBar.MoveNavigationPaneDown and NavigationBar.MoveNavigationPaneUp which can be used to adjust the position of a NavigationPane.
    (Use NavigationBar.CanMoveNavigationPaneDown and NavigationBar.CanMoveNavigationPaneUp to test if the corresponding method is valid).
  • Validated Microsoft .NET 5 compatibility.
  • Added NuGet packages for Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 variations of the assemblies.
  • Realigned API namespaces for clarity and consistency with other platforms.
Actipro Navigation for WinForms

Actipro Navigation for WinForms

一個類似于 Outlook 的巡覽列控制項。


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