Actipro WinForms Studio

Actipro WinForms Studio Suite contains all individual WinForms control products, along with free upgrades and any new WinForms products for one year. It includes advanced, customizable docking toolbars, menus, a complete docking tool window, an Outlook-like navigation bar control and a syntax-highlighting code editor control and parsing suite.

The attention to detail you'll find with Actipro control products is unsurpassed. Their APIs and themes are amazing.

Eric J. Smith, President, CodeSmith Tools, LLC

Actipro Bars
Actipro Bars is an advanced bar controls implementation that includes docking toolbars, standalone toolbars, popup menus, and statusbars. The bar controls are based entirely on a command/command link design pattern, allowing for centralized command updates to filter through to every instance of a related command link in the user interface. This also facilitates complete run-time customization support for the end-user, similar to the features found in products like Visual Studio...


March 1, 2024Product Update
Actipro SyntaxEditor 24.1 讓您構建根據使用者喜好在淺色和深色主題之間無縫切換的編碼應用程式。
Actipro WinForms Studio 23.1.2
Actipro WinForms Studio 23.1.2
September 12, 2023新版本
包括對 SyntaxEditor 和 .NET Language Add-ons(語言載入項)的改進。
Actipro WinForms Studio 23.1.1
Actipro WinForms Studio 23.1.1
April 6, 2023新版本
改進了 SyntaxEditor 和 .NET 語言附加件。
Actipro SyntaxEditor for WinForms 23.1.1
Actipro SyntaxEditor for WinForms 23.1.1
April 6, 2023新版本
Actipro SyntaxEditor for WinForms 23.1.0
Actipro SyntaxEditor for WinForms 23.1.0
February 9, 2023新版本
添加與 .NET 7 的相容以及改進的 IntelliPrompt 快顯視窗的滑鼠處理。
Actipro Wizard for WinForms 23.1.0
Actipro Wizard for WinForms 23.1.0
February 9, 2023新版本
添加與 .NET 7 的相容和新的 MetroDark 配色方案。

價格從: $ 489.02

Actipro products are licensed by developer。 A developer license is required for each individual developer working on a project that uses an Actipro product, whether they directly work with the product...


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Actipro Software
作為官方授權的代理商,ComponentSource 可為您提供Actipro Software的正版授權。
Component Type
  • .NET WinForms
  • 100% Managed Code
  • Source Code

