Actipro SyntaxEditor for WinForms 21.1.1

改進了水準捲軸和 IntelliPrompt UI。
9月 9, 2021


  • Improved IntelliPrompt UI to reposition itself when the view's text area layout is updated, such as when scrolling.
  • Added the SyntaxEditor.WordWrapModeChanged event that is raised when the SyntaxEditor.WordWrapMode property is changed.
  • Added a Drag and Drop QuickStart to demonstrate multiple interaction models and features.
  • Updated the horizontal ScrollBar to remain visible in word wrap mode when the SyntaxEditor.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility property is Visible (the default), which matches Microsoft Visual Studio behavior. Use the new WordWrapModeChanged event to alter the HorizontalScrollBarVisibility property as needed if you still wish the horizontal ScrollBar to be hidden when word wrapping.
  • Updated the IDataStore.GetText method to support String data format if UnicodeText and Text data formats are undefined.
  • Updated the IDataStore.SetText method to replace Html and Rtf data formats if already defined.
Actipro SyntaxEditor for WinForms

Actipro SyntaxEditor for WinForms

功能豐富的語法突出顯示代碼編輯器控制項, 帶有可選的 Intellisense for C# and VB。


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