Altova StyleVision Enterprise Edition 2022

為來自 XML、資料庫和 XBRL 資料的報表添加純文字作為輸出格式,並添加對 Windows 11 的支援。
10月 27, 2021


  • A new output format: pure text - For creating reports from XML, database and XBRL data, StyleVision now supports pure text as an output format. These text reports are ideal for machine reading or in circumstances when it’s useful to view large amounts of data without the need for styling and layout considerations.
    • Based on your graphical report design, StyleVision will generate the text report as well as an XSLT stylesheet for automating the transformation. Automated text output is also available via StyleVision Server.
    • Your single StyleVision design generates output in HTML, RTF, PDF and Microsoft Word in addition to text.
  • Support for Microsoft Windows 11 - StyleVision now supports running on Windows 11.
  • Extended find & replace capabilities - Additional functionality has been added to the enhanced find/replace tools added in recent versions of StyleVision. It is now possible to search in variable and template XPath statements and the user can exclude some statements before executing a replace command.
  • Support for additional database versions - StyleVision now supports the latest versions of the following databases in addition to previous versions:
    • IBM DB2 11.5.
    • MySQL 8.0.25.
    • PostgreSQL 13.
    • SQLite 3.35.5.
  • Integration with the newest versions of Eclipse - Added support for Eclipse 4.19, 4.20 and 4.21.
StyleVision supports pure text as an output format.

Altova StyleVision Enterprise Edition

XML、XBRL 和資料庫資料的圖形報表生成器。


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