Added the TreeListBox.FilterApplied event that is raised after the current filtering state has been applied to all of the control's items, generally occurring when DataFilter is changed, or filtering is enabled or disabled.
Added a TreeListBoxItemAdapter.GetAbsolutePath method that can be implemented to improve performance in large trees when searching for a tree node.
Improved TreeListBox item focus tracking in response to selection changes.
Improved TreeListBox when filtering with DataFilterResult.IncludedWithDescendants to only ensure items included by the filter are made visible via expansion, instead of all descendants.
Improved PropertyGrid to support watching collection properties that use EnableCollectionSynchronization.
Improved the various predefined columns that integrate Editors controls into DataGrid to pass updated column property values onto the generated Editors controls.
Validated Microsoft .NET 6 compatibility.
Added Microsoft .NET 5 variations of the product assemblies to the NuGet feeds.