Added the EditorCommands.AddNextOccurrenceToSelection edit action (bound to Ctrl+D by default), and the related IEditorViewSelection.AddNextOccurrence method. This new feature adds the next occurrence of the currently-selected text to the selection, or selects the current word if there is no selection.
Refactored the IntelliPrompt completion session's Shorthand item matcher algorithm, resulting in a significant performance improvement, especially when used with the CanFilterUnmatchedItems option.
Improved word-wrapped view lines to indent under their primary view line based on a new configurable SyntaxEditor.WrappedLineIndentAmount property. Updated the Word Wrap QuickStart to show off the new property.
Improved vertical scrollbar handling logic.
Improved word selection logic.
Improved selection update logic when the RetainSelection option is used.
Improved squiggle line rendering performance.
Updated non-editable code snippet fields to not be highlighted in the template session.
Updated the CollapsedRegionManager.GetVisibleOffset method logic.
.NET Languages Add-on
Improved name resolution logic when there are type and namespace name conflicts.
Improved IntelliPrompt completion for VB With statements.
Updated BinaryAssemblyLoader to handle TypeLoadException when querying exported types.
Web Languages Add-on
Refactored the XML text formatter with improved logic.