DevExpress Office File API 22.1.6

改進了數位簽名、PDF 和試算表 API。
10月 25, 2022


Digital Signature API

  • The "Illegal characters in path" exception is thrown when signing an Microsoft Excel document.

PDF Document API

  • PdfDocumentProcessor
    • ArgumentException is thrown on saving a document after appending its content.
    • InvalidCastException is thrown when calling the FlattenAnnotations method for a document.
    • InvalidDataException is thrown when opening a corrupted document.
    • Searching in a document is slow.
  • The ClearContents method invoked for the CropBox area incorrectly removes the content in a specific PDF document.
  • Usability - There is no method to create a bitmap with a specific DPI value.

Spreadsheet Document API

  • Spreadsheet displays markers for data points in a specific chart while Excel doesn't.
  • Spreadsheet renders gridlines for a chart in a specific XLSX document while Excel doesn't.
DevExpress Office File API

DevExpress Office File API

讀寫 Excel 和 Word 檔、創建和編輯 PDF 文件、生成條形碼和壓縮的檔案。


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