Aspose.Slides for .NET V23.3

添加對 ODP 格式音訊/視頻外掛程式的支援。
3月 20, 2023


  • You can now read the number of PDF pages for each presentation slide with speaker notes.
  • You can now replace videos keeping all animation and effects.
  • Improved management of trim video settings.
  • Animation timing settings: You can now rewind when finished playing.
  • PPTX to HTML: You can now store images as files instead of base64.
  • Added support for Audio/Video plugin in ODP format.
  • Added the ability to convert PPTX to HTML with images in separate folder/files.
Aspose.Slides for .NET

Aspose.Slides for .NET

能讓您的應用程式無需利用 Microsoft PowerPoint 即可讀取和寫入 PowerPoint 文件。


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