Oxygen Publishing Engine V25.1

新的轉換參數可幫助您控制 PDF 輸出中腳注的行為。
3月 21, 2023


WebHelp Output

  • Exclude Topic IDs from Context-Sensitive Help - Oxygen WebHelp's context-sensitive help relies on a mapping between an ID and the path of the HTML output page. The value of this ID is computed from the resourceid element or from the topicid element (as a fallback if the resourceid is missing). A new parameter (webhelp.csh.disable.topicID.fallback) has been added which allows you to change this behavior and instruct the WebHelp transformation to only use the value found in the resourceid element.
  • Fine-Tune Context-Sensitive Help Mapping - The new extension point com.oxygenxml.webhelp.xsl.contextHelpMap allows you to add custom XSLT code to modify the XSLT transformation that generates the mapping between an ID and the path of an HTML output page used for context-sensitive help.
  • Disable Index Terms - The webhelp.show.indexterms.link parameter can now be used to disable the generation of index terms. If set to false, index terms are not generated and the index terms page is not available in the output.
  • jQuery Library Available in Global Context - The jQuery library that comes bundled with WebHelp is now accessible in the browser's global context so that developers have access to use it.

PDF Output

  • Display Line Numbers in Code Blocks - It is now possible to display line numbers in code blocks by setting the @outputclass attribute on the <codeblock> elements to the show-line-numbers value.
  • Display Whitespace Characters in Code Blocks - For CSS-based PDF transformations, it is now possible to display a visual representation of whitespace characters in code blocks. You can do this by setting the @outputclass attribute on the <codeblock> elements to the show-whitespace value.
  • Control the Behavior of Footnotes - A new transformation parameter (args.css.param.clone-referenced-footnotes) is now available to control the behavior of footnotes. When set to yes, footnotes that are referenced multiple times throughout a publication are cloned and placed at the bottom of the page for each occurrence. Otherwise, only the first footnote reference is placed at the bottom of the page and subsequent references point back to the original footnote.
Oxygen Publishing Engine

Oxygen Publishing Engine

用於 WebHelp 和 PDF 輸出的 DITA/DocBook 完整發行解決方案。


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