Chant Developer Workbench 2023 (

添加對 Azure Speech 詞典編輯的支援。
7月 18, 2023


  • LexiconKit now includes support for the latest Microsoft Speech SDK 1.30. This means Embarcadero C++ Builder, C++, Embarcadero Delphi, Java, and Microsoft .NET apps have access to use cloud resources simply by instantiating the MCSSynthesizer class.
    • Lexicon editing can be accomplished interactively in the Developer Workbench. Including generating, editing, and speaking pronunciations with Microsoft Azure Speech.
  • Updated user options persistence. This requires developers to re-enter credentials, cloud keys, and preference selections after installing and save changes to persist for future use.
Chant Developer Workbench

Chant Developer Workbench



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