Released: Sep 20, 2024
24.1.6 中的更新
ExpressBars Suite
- TdxRibbonForm whose SupportNonClientDrawing property is True does not support Snap Layout.
ExpressEditors Library
- Access Violation error occurs when an in-place RichEdit is active and the field's value is null.
- Controls in an MDI child from may flicker after invoking a dropdown edit's popup window in the main form if the application is compiled with RAD Studio 12 Athens.
- cxMemo - Pen selection does not work if the scrollbars are enabled.
ExpressMap Control
- The drop-down list is not available on the Layers form at design time.
- Access Violation error occurs on loading a certain document if an application runs on specific machines.
- Memory leaks occur when the print dialog is shown.
- Some elements in specific PDF documents are not rendered.
ExpressPrinting System
- Export to PDF - The "Use JPEG Compression for Images" option has no effect for some documents.
- Memory leaks occur when the print dialog is shown.
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
- Access Violation error occurs when an in-place RichEdit is active and the field's value is null.
ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
- Access Violation error occurs when an in-place RichEdit is active and the field's value is null.
ExpressRichEdit Control
- Export to PDF - The "Use JPEG Compression for Images" option has no effect for some documents.
ExpressScheduler Suite
- Long captions of TdxSchedulerResourcesLayoutEditor's buttons are truncated.
- TimeGridView - Access Violation error occurs on an attempt to edit an event whose in-place editor does not fit the resource if the ViewTimeGrid.ShowMoreEventsButtons option is disabled.
ExpressSkins Library
- TimeGridView - Access Violation error occurs on an attempt to edit an event whose in-place editor does not fit the resource if the ViewTimeGrid.ShowMoreEventsButtons option is disabled.
- TdxSpreadSheetDocumentBasedReportLink - It is impossible to make content fit page width only.
ExpressVerticalGrid Suite
- Access Violation error occurs when an in-place RichEdit is active and the field's value is null.