Iocomp .NET WinForms Std Pack 新版本發表

Released: Sep 22, 2020

V5 SP3 中的更新


  • Added support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.

Released: Aug 10, 2018

V5 SP2 中的更新


  • Added support for Visual Studio 2017 (Toolbox and Help integration).

Released: Nov 18, 2016

V5 SP1 中的更新


  • Added MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginTop, and MarginBottom properties to the BorderControl class. The BorderControl class is used by all visual Iocomp controls. The legacy Margin property is applied to all sides of the control equally and it is added to the MarginXXX property of a specific side (Ex. Margin =5 and MarginLeft = 3 results in a margin-left total of 8 pixels).


  • Fixed Property-Editor opening issue. The issue would display an error dialog... "Unable to load one or more of the...

Released: Aug 16, 2016

V5 中的更新


  • Added support for Visual Studio 2015 (Toolbox and Help integration). Iocomp 4.5 assemblies are fully compatible with the 4.5.1, 4.5.2 and 4.6 application targets.
  • Added StepSizeStyle, StepSizeArrow, StepSizePage, and StepSizeWheel properties to the Knob control. The StepSizeStyle property can be set to Value or Percent (default = Percent). The StepSizeArrow property controls the step size increment for the Left, Right, Up, and Down arrow keys. The StepSizePage property controls the step size...

Released: Apr 12, 2010

Updates in this release

Updates in V4.0 SP1

  • Modified property editor value Edit boxes to squash all exceptions due to invalid inputs. After the exception is squashed, the Edit box will return to the previous valid value.
  • Added horizontal scrolling to all Iocomp property editor listbox controls. The horizontal scrollbar only appears when the width of an item exceeds the width of the display area.
  • Added logic to the design-time property editor to auto-increment the OPCGroup object's Name property when a new one is added...