Oxygen XML Developer Professional
您設計 XML 架構和轉換管道所需的所有工具。
由以下開發商製作:Syncro Soft
ComponentSource 開始代理銷售的日期:2008年
倘若您需要討論您有關Oxygen XML Developer Professional的許可要求,請聯絡我們Syncro Soft方面的許可專家。
我們可以提供任何Oxygen XML Developer Professional許可證,包括新許可證、支援和維護包(SMP)續訂和升級許可證。
One software license is required per user.
Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP) provides priority technical support and all new versions released during the SMP period.
Named User License
Install and use the software on as many computers as he or she likes. The total number of Named Users may not exceed the total number of licenses.
Floating User License
A separate license is required for each concurrent user. You may install the software on an unlimited number of computers connected to a designated network
Timed Subscription License
Your rights to use the software are limited to the subscription period indicated on your order. After the expiration of your subscription, you must stop using the software or renew your subscription. Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP) is included. When your subscription ends, the Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP) will also be terminated. Please note: you will need to register you registration code on the publishers website before using your software.
License Server
If you are using floating licenses or a large number of user-based licenses (20 or more) for Oxygen, you must set up an Oxygen License Server.
倘若您已購買帶有可選支援和維護包的 Syncro Soft 產品,則可以在維護期結束後繼續使用該產品,但除非您購買 SMP 續訂,否則您將無法再獲得新版本。
可以 - ComponentSource 可以安排統一您的許可證期限,即使這些許可證最初不是透過我們購買的。請致電我們或給我們發消息,討論您的需求。
升級許可證允許您將同一產品類型(Developer/Author/Editor)、版本(專業/企業版)和許可證型號(基於使用者/浮動)的舊版本升級到最新版本。根據使用期終止政策,產品在支援終止里程碑後 12 個月內有資格進行升級。倘若您的產品版本早于此版本,則需要購買新許可證。
否。Oxygen XML 產品不提供原始程式碼。
所有許可使用者都有權訪問 Oxygen 論壇,Oxygen支援團隊成員和社區每天都會訪問該論壇。
有當前支援和維護包(SMP)的使用者將獲得優先支援。倘若您不在 SMP 涵蓋的範圍內,Syncro Soft 無法做出任何承諾,但保證回答所有支援請求。