Rebex File Transfer Pack R6.4

Released: May 25, 2022

R6.4 中的更新


  • Added support for Microsoft .NET 6.0 on Android and Apple iOS.
  • File System: Optimized memory consumption of internal thread-local variables.
  • SSH: Optimized AEAD ciphers in SSH - ChaCha20/Poly1305 and AES/GCM ciphers have been slightly optimized.
  • TLS Core: Optimized AEAD ciphers in TLS - ChaCha20/Poly1305 and AES/GCM ciphers have been slightly optimized.
  • TLS Core: Optimized CPU usage in TLS 1.3 data flow.
  • TLS Core: Optimized scenarios when the remote party requires TLS 1.2 (or lower TLS version) and TLS 1.3 is enabled.
  • TLS Core: Optimized TLS 1.3 key derivation functions.
  • Cryptography: Added support for NTLM plugin for non-Microsoft Windows platforms.
  • Cryptography: Added a workaround for buggy RSACryptoServiceProvider in Microsoft .NET 6.0 on Android.
  • Cryptography: Optimized ChaCha20Poly1305 internals.
  • Cryptography: Optimized internal AEAD interfaces.
  • Common: Improved inner exception rethrow logic on Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5/4.0.
  • Common: Optimized internal data buffer methods.


  • FTP: Fixed unobserved task exception during timeout while initializing FTP active mode transfer.
  • File Server: Throwing IOException in custom command API when attempt is made to send data over a shutdown SSH channel.
  • SSH: Fixed behavior of TryPasswordFirst option with servers that support 'publickey' and 'keyboard-interactive' but not 'password'.
  • Cryptography: Fixed exporting of DSA keys on Windows XP SP3.
  • Cryptography: Working around RSA private key access issue in .NET 6.0 on Android.