RemObjects Elements v12.0.0.2943
Released: Aug 30, 2024
v12.0.0.2943 中的更新
- Core
- Debugger: You can now show obfuscated members as normal.
- You can now allow nullable cast operators for value types.
- Merged EBuild.
- Merged RTL2.
- Merged CodeGen4.
- Merged ROCodeGen.
- Visual Studio
- Matched logic for filling TargetFrameworkVersion to Water's.
- EBuild
- .NET Core: Improved support for handling framework platform and version.
- Elements RTL
- DateTime and Guid: Improved support for casting to/from with nullable platform value types.
- Added a new HttpFormRequestContent class.
- Marked Guid and DateTime as readonly classes.
- Added more nullable annotations.
- Core
- Go: No member Ref on type
- C#: assigned/else doesn't unwrap nullable.
- Class Completion (Ctrl+Shift+C) loses not nullable keyword.
- Generic result is not properly enforced with InstanceType.
- Untyped var fails to compile (good) but using its later causes IE.
- Added missing WebForm item template.
- Debugger: CLR: get exception message even if there are no frames for the thread.
- Fire and Water
- Water: canvas code doesn't change after removing selected file from project.
- Water: problem with empty window.
- DebugHost could not start when using a relative path.
- EBuild
- .NET Core: Don't regenerate AppHost if not necessary.
- .NET Core: Don't regenerate .json files if not necessary.
- .NET Core: resolve references specific to a known framework platform (eg "win" and version).
- NuGet: Don't fail if a package repository cannot be resolved/connected to; just continue to next.
- Per-target OutputPath setting was ignored.
- Go Base Library
- Fixed errors compiling Gold library.