ShellBrowser .NET Components 新版本發表

Released: Sep 4, 2023

v7.0 中的更新


  • Setup: The component for managing the installation key has been renewed. Therefore, all customers need new installation keys for V7, which are available through the customer area.
  • ShellControlConnector: You can now restrict folder access for all controls linked with a ShellControlConnector instance using the new "FolderChanging" event.
  • ShellBrowser, ShellListView, ShellTreeView: Using the new "ReadOnly" property, the components now don't allow folder contents to be changed. This affects...

Released: Feb 6, 2023

v6.4 中的更新


  • Breaking compatibility changes: ShellBrowser.NET now can be used in projects targeting .NET Framework 4.8, .NET Core 3.1, .NET 6.0, and .NET 7.0.
  • ShellListView: Using the new "ThumbnailMode" property, you can now control whether icons or thumbnails are displayed in the list. The default value "ThumnbailMode.Auto" works like in Windows Explorer: view types containing only a small icon present the file type icon; larger icon views will automatically switch to display thumbnails. Using the value...