RadiantQ WPF Gantt

RadiantQ WPF Gantt Package includes rich and interactive Gantt controls that were natively built in WPF for fast performance and a professional look and feel. WPG Gantt Package includes a very simple and intuitive programming model, flexible printing support, data binding, effort driven scheduling, progress tracking, localization and more. Ideal for visualizing a hierarchical-task list or a resource-utilization view.

WPF Gantt Rich Visualization
The Gantt Control fully exercises the power of the WPF platform and extends you very rich and customizable visualization and interactive capabilities with great graphics and animation.

WPF Gantt Native WPF Implementation
Written natively for WPF, the control is light weight and high performing. The Gantt also uses virtualized rendering to be able to handle thousands of tasks.

WPF Gantt Intuitive Data Binding
You can easily bind a database table or any list with the...


RadiantQ WPF Gantt V10.0
RadiantQ WPF Gantt V10.0
March 22, 2021新版本
添加對 Microsoft .NET 5 專案的支援。
RadiantQ WPF Gantt V9.0
RadiantQ WPF Gantt V9.0
September 29, 2020新版本
添加對 Microsoft .NET Core 的支援。
RadiantQ WPF Gantt V8.0
RadiantQ WPF Gantt V8.0
June 19, 2017新版本
新的 OverviewControl 讓您對您的專案有個全方位瞭解。
RadiantQ Gantt V6.5 released
RadiantQ Gantt V6.5 released
November 4, 2014特別功能發表
New version adds comprehensive undo/redo operations for editing Gantt charts.
RadiantQ Gantt adds Resource Load View
RadiantQ Gantt adds Resource Load View
February 17, 2014特別功能發表
Plot loads for resources across a time line.
RadiantQ Gantt adds Project Gantt Filtering
RadiantQ Gantt adds Project Gantt Filtering
August 28, 2013特別功能發表
Allow users to easily filter tasks by any criteria including only showing completed tasks.

價格從: $ 881.02

License is per named developer and is non transferable。 You may distribute your applications royalty free within your company。 If you wish to distribute your applications royalty free outside your...


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Component Type
  • .NET WPF
  • .NET Core