DBI Technologies
DBI Technologies Inc. is an innovative commercial software development company focused on empowering application developers with the best End-to-End Supply Chain Visibility component software. DBI is recognized for its award winning component software products and services supporting developers working with and in Enterprise development teams. DBI's technical support covers Microsoft Visual Studio, Visual Studio .NET and many OLE / VBA compliant development environments including VC++, C...
DBI Technologies 榮獲 ComponentSource 獎項
April 30, 2024Publisher Award
ComponentSource 在 2024 年度的 ComponentSource 獎項中授予 DBI Technologies 廠家 100 強獎。Solutions Schedule for .NET v9.0
February 9, 2023新版本
改進了捲軸、資源項和時間列。Solutions Schedule for COM v16.0
March 30, 2022新版本
改進了資源分配時間列和多列資源清單。Solutions Schedule COM 64 v4.0
March 30, 2022新版本
改進了多列資源清單和甘特圖計劃區域。續訂您已過期的 DBI 訂閱
November 1, 2021特價優惠
將您已過期的 DBI 訂閱按照常規續訂價格恢復!產品分類
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